Work­shop auf der EuMW in Ber­lin

Auf der European Micrwove Week (EuMW) in Berlin wurde der Workshop "Broadband and Microwave Signal Processing Using Electronic-Photonic Integration" von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Scheytt (Uni Paderborn) und Prof. Dr. Jeremy Witzens (RWTH Aachen) durchgeführt. Mehrere SPP-Mitglieder haben sich an Vorträgen des Workshops beteiligt (hervorgehoben).


  • Ultra-Broadband PhotonicElectronic Analogue-to-Digital Converters (ADCs), Dengyang Fang, KIT Karlsruhe
  • Orthogonal Sampling Based Broadband Photonic Assisted ADC and DAC with Low-Bandwidth Electronics, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schneider, TU Braunschweig
  • Optoelectronic Frequency Synthesis with Extreme Low Phase Noise Using Mode-Locked Lasers, Meysam Bahmanian, Uni Paderborn
  • Low Phase Noise Microwave Signal Generation with Optical Frequency Combs, Yann LeCoq, SYRTE (France)
  • Photonic-Electronic Ultra-Broadband Signal Processing: Devices, Concepts, and Applications, Prof. Dr. Christian Koos, KIT Karlsruhe
  • Microwave Photonics for 5G Networks and Radar and Sensing Applications, Jerome Bourederrionnet, Thales Research and Technology (France)
  • Photonic-Assisted Microwave Near-Field Imagers, Firooz Aflatouni, University of Pennsylvania (USA)
  • Microwave-Photonics Processor, Chris Roeloffzen, LIONIX International (Netherlands)
  • Electronic-Photonic Integrated Sensor Platform, Robert Huber, Uni Ulm
  • Photonic Neuromorphic Systems, Andrea Zazzi, RWTH Aachen